I miss you so much nana, I need to talk to you, I need to know you're still near. Nothing has ever hurt as much as losing you and I miss you just as much today as the day you left us. I'll see you again one day in the future but for know know you and grandad are loved so much, give me strength to get through what I'm facing right now please, no one could ever advise me the way you could. I wish I was half the woman you were. I love you today and forever. Donna-Marie xxx
16th March 2016
I miss you both so so much, people say it gets easier with time but not a day goes by when the loss of u doesn't hurt just as much as the day you were taken. You were the mist wonderful amazing grandparents and great grandparents anyone could wish for and I feel blessed to of had you in my life.I wish my 2 youngest children had known you, then they would know how special you were too but they'll be bought up with your memory. I love you forever, I miss you for always. Watch over my babies and send them your love. You're in my heart always, until we meet again. Love donna-marie xxxxxxx
16th November 2011
my nan was the best nan a child could eva wish for she was always there for us and always will but now her and grandad r together foreva like they planned i love u both sooo much xx love lauren
lauren jenkins
28th August 2010